Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tips on how to stop smoking? But I am allergic to latex and adhesives.?

I can not use a patch. And I can not chew most regular gums due to latex properties. I can handle Wrigleys gum. So the gums for stopping smoking is not for me either.

I tried cold turkey and I was not strong enough to handle that.Tips on how to stop smoking? But I am allergic to latex and adhesives.?
Well, you could always try aversion therapy. It's a particularly nasty way to quit, but is usually permanent.

Buy a carton of cigarettes. Sit yourself at a small table with an ashtray, a lighter, and a metal bucket. Place a small fan across the table from you, blowing directly on to you, with the fan set on low.

Light up as many cigarettes as you can get into your mouth at once, and still be able to draw the smoke into your lungs. (Usually three to five.) Smoke them almost down to the filter. (All of them at once, not one at a time.) Put those out, then replace them with three more cigarettes. Light them up. Smoke them as before, drawing the smoke into your lungs. Put the butts into the metal bucket. Keep on going until you start throwing up. Every person is different. You may be at this point after one packet of cigarettes. Most people get through three packets. NEVER SMOKE THEM ONE AT A TIME. NEVER TAKE A BREATHER. You are trying to make yourself sick of cigarettes, so you have to smoke them at a level that makes you feel uncomfortable. DO NOT QUIT UNTIL YOU ARE PUKING YOUR GUTS OUT! To make sure you have gone far enough, light up three more cigarettes and start drawing the smoke into your lungs. If you do not immediately begin throwing up, then you have not gone far enough.

This is best done in the company of a strong willed friend that will MAKE you keep smoking those cigarettes until that stage is reached. Remember, you are doing this so that you will not ever want to light up again. So making yourself absolutely sick over them is an essential part of the process, if you are to be successful.

The person who told me about this method, said it worked even two years after the fact. Every time he smelled cigarette smoke, he would experience a rolling spasm of nausea.

The fan is intended to keep the smoke from the cigarettes in your face, with no relief.Tips on how to stop smoking? But I am allergic to latex and adhesives.?
Welll i say to get adicted toi somthing else like peanut butter or somthing adicting you know?
Don't buy cigarettes.
Try Commit Lozenges. or
Hello, I quit almost two years ago using the Smoke Away product, it is an herb. I do recommend it to anyone who wishes to quit. It isn't a miracle pill, you still have to work at it but It does help. This was my first attempt to quit, and my last. Type in smoke away on the net and start reading away. I do belong to their forum, a lot of awesome people there.

Good luck..

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